
Center for Strategic and Foreign Policy Studies produces periodical analytical reports devoted to evolution of economic and political situation in the countries of the Post-Soviet as well as international situation surrounding the region. Special attention in the reports is given to developments in establishments of the countries of the region.

The Center also carries out ad hoc on demand analytical research in all spheres of its academic interests.

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12 April 2018

Arseny Sivitski, Director of Center for Strategic and Foreign Policy Studies contributed to the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Transformation Index 2018 “Democracy under Pressure: Polarization and Repression Are Increasing Worldwide”.

21 March 2018

In 2015, the Baltic states declared their intent to withdraw from the BRELL agreement and desynchronize their power grids from the IPS/UPS synchronous area to which they still belong as part of the legacy of Soviet occupation.

23 October 2017

At the very first stage of planning the joint Belarus-Russia strategic drills “Zapad-2017” Minsk attempted to solve a complicated dilemma.

11 November 2016

The NATO-Russia confrontation as one of New Cold War’s manifestations has direct implications for the independence, sovereignty and national security of Belarus

10 November 2016

Last week’s visit by the Russian Minister of Defence clearly demonstrated the Kremlin’s intentions to undermine the image of Belarus as a country with a predictable and neutral military and foreign policy.

19 September 2016

Study by Yury Tsarik, GR-Director of Center for Strategic and Foreign Policy Studies in Belarus, Minsk

12 January 2016

The present report was drafted and finalized by November 15, 2015. But publishing it was impossible due to technical issues.

10 September 2015

The authors of the report Arseny Sivitsky and Yury Tsarik describe the foreign policy of the Russian Federation from the moment preceding the Ukraine crisis as a manifestation of a rational, pragmatic and efficient Moscow’s new geostrategy.

25 May 2015

Crisis Watch Blog – это специальный проект Центра стратегических и внешнеполитических исследований, направленный на углубленное освещение хода развития и внутренней структуры кризисных ситуаций, затрагивающих Республику Беларусь.

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